- Expression of Interest (EOI) invited for Empanelment of R&D Consultant Chef
20-11-2015 - Expression of Interest (EOI) invited for Empanelment of Courier Companies
20-10-2015 - Expression of Interest (EOI) invited for the Empanelment of vendors for carrying out resource mapping services extend up to 3rd October 2015.
20-08-2015 - Re-invited Expression of Interest (EOI) to purchase building/ building space for the establishment of Fish Mall in Kochi
20-07-2015 - Re invited- Expression of interest- Emapanelment of firms for establishing solar fish drier in various locations in kerala
01-07-2015 - Tenders invited for empanelment of firms for establishing solar fish driers in different locations in Kerala.
01-06-2015 - Expression of Interest (EOI) of the Empanelment of Manufacture's / Dealer's of Quad Bikes / ATV for furnishing Rate Contract for Government Purchases.
04-05-2015 - Expression of Interest invited for the empanelment of organizations/NGO's/Institutions for providing training of safety, first aid and lifesaving
01-05-2015 - KSCADC invites tenders through Speed Post for various works
02-02-2015 - Expression of interest re-invited for the Empanelment of Fish Kheema/Minced Fish/Surumi Suppliers
02-02-2015 - Expression of Interest (EOI) invited to Purchase Building/ Building Space for Establishment of Fish Mall
07-01-2015 - Sponsorship of a football club by KSCADC in Thiruvananthapuram
05-01-2015 - Date Extended: Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment of Fish Supply Agents
03-01-2015 - Date Extended: Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment of Fish Kheema/Minced Fish/Surumi Suppliers
01-01-2015 - Date Extended: Expression of Interest (EOI) invited for the purchase building / building space for establishment of Fish Mall